I've got an error while upgrading Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 (TP4) to Tech Preview 5 (TP5):
Advanced error description can be found in the file:
In my case the file setuperr.log has the following content:
The main reason of upgrade failure is the corrupted file G:\Boot\BCD (where drive G: is primary partition with 'System Reserved' label).
The easiest solution to fix invalid or corrupted BCD file is to create new BCD file on any other primary partition or flash drive and try to run upgrade again. In my case partition C: is primary partition, so I can make it bootable and mark as active.

Now the system should be rebooted... And then everything is ready to run TP5 upgrade again. In my case upgrade was successful even though there were some other errors in setuperr.log file. So these errors do not cause setup/upgrade failure and can be ignored:
UPD1: There can be similar upgrade errors, which can be fixed using recommendations above:
UPD2: The second way to fix the issue is to repair BCD using Microsoft Recovery Environment. Look here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392/en-us.
Good luck.
Advanced error description can be found in the file:
In my case the file setuperr.log has the following content:
...Error IBSLIB OSRollbackService::CBootFilesRestoreCheckpoint::Finalize: Failed to backup BCD database from "G:\Boot\BCD" to "C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Rollback\Boot\BCD".[gle=0x00000006] Error [0x064199] IBSLIB SetCheckpoint(WinPEBootFilesRestoreCheckpoint): threw exception.: class RollbackException: RollbackException: Error(6), CSystemVolumeSelectionCheckpoint: Failed to backup BCD database. void __cdecl OSRollbackService::CBootFilesRestoreCheckpoint::Finalize(const unsigned short *,struct OSRollbackService::ICheckpointParameters *)[gle=0x00000006]
Error [0x06418a] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint(WinPEBootFilesRestoreCheckpoint): threw exception.: class RollbackException: RollbackException: Error(6), CSystemVolumeSelectionCheckpoint: Failed to backup BCD database. void __cdecl OSRollbackService::CCheckpointImpressario::SetCheckpoint(const unsigned short *,struct OSRollbackService::ICheckpointParameters *) void __cdecl OSRollbackService::CBootFilesRestoreCheckpoint::Finalize(const unsigned short *,struct OSRollbackService::ICheckpointParameters *)[gle=0x00000006] Error [0x06414e] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint(WinPEBootFilesRestoreCheckpoint) failed. Disabling Rollback.[gle=0x00000006] Error SP Error setting OS Switch Rollback checkpoint[gle=0x00000006] Error SP Operation failed: Update Boot Code. Error: 0x80004005[gle=0x000000b7] Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: Finalize reported failure![gle=0x000000b7] Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: Using action error code: [0x80004005][gle=0x000000b7] Error MOUPG CDlpActionFinalize::ExecuteSetupPlatformFinalize(1314): Result = 0x80004005[gle=0x000000b7] Error MOUPG CDlpActionFinalize::ExecuteRoutine(479): Result = 0x80004005 Error MOUPG CDlpActionImpl > > >::Execute(441): Result = 0x80004005 Error MOUPG CDlpTask::ExecuteAction(3243): Result = 0x80004005 Error MOUPG CDlpTask::ExecuteActions(3397): Result = 0x80004005 Error MOUPG CDlpTask::Execute(1631): Result = 0x80004005 Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteTask(2041): Result = 0x80004005 Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteTask(2004): Result = 0x80004005 Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteInstallMode(807): Result = 0x80004005 Error MOUPG CSetupManager::ExecuteDownlevelMode(392): Result = 0x80004005 Error SP CSetupPlatform::ResurrectNewSystem: Cannot resurrect new system.: Win32Exception: \\?\C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources\NewSystem.dat: The system cannot find the file specified. [0x00000002] __cdecl UnBCL::FileStream::FileStream(const class UnBCL::String *,enum UnBCL::FileMode,enum UnBCL::FileAccess,enum UnBCL::FileShare,unsigned long)[gle=0x00000002] Error MOUPG CSetupManager::Execute(236): Result = 0x80004005 Error MOUPG CSetupHost::Execute(371): Result = 0x80004005
The main reason of upgrade failure is the corrupted file G:\Boot\BCD (where drive G: is primary partition with 'System Reserved' label).
The easiest solution to fix invalid or corrupted BCD file is to create new BCD file on any other primary partition or flash drive and try to run upgrade again. In my case partition C: is primary partition, so I can make it bootable and mark as active.
- Step 1: creating new BCD file, making C: drive bootable
- Open "Command Prompt (Admin)"
- Run the command:
bcdboot %windir% /s C: /f ALL - Step 2: marking C: partition as active
- Run "Disk Management"
- Select (C:) partition and choose "Mark Partition as Active" in context menu.

Now the system should be rebooted... And then everything is ready to run TP5 upgrade again. In my case upgrade was successful even though there were some other errors in setuperr.log file. So these errors do not cause setup/upgrade failure and can be ignored:
Error MOUPG ProductKey: Valid product key found = [TRUE]. Error CONX Failed to get inf path SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4d36e975-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\{53565350-564d-0000-5f3f-d83712cde83d} Error CONX Failed to add net component 80070002 Error CONX Failed to get inf path SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4d36e974-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\{e9b59cfa-2be1-4b21-828f-b6fbdbddc017} Error CONX Failed to add net component 80070002 Error CONX Failed to open inf key SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{6bdd1fc5-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}\{22a2abca-b9e0-406c-86df-18bdc2f853d2} Error CONX Failed to add net component 80070002 Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::Utilities::SendRequest (1072): Failed to connect to the internet or send request: [12002].[gle=0x80072ee2] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::Utilities::ResolveForwardLink (1132): Failed to send request using default proxy[gle=0x80072ee2] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::Utilities::SendRequest (1072): Failed to connect to the internet or send request: [12002].[gle=0x80072ee2] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::Utilities::ResolveForwardLink (1138): Failed to send request using auto proxy[gle=0x80072ee2] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::Utilities::ExtractCosConnectionString (411): Failed to resolve forward link: [0x80072ee2].[gle=0x80072ee2] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::CosDeviceDataSource::PrefetchData (489): Could not resolve COS FwLink: [0x80072ee2].[gle=0x80072ee2] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::WriteProperty (598): Could not write property value[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::WritePropertyList (550): Could not write property in Inventory [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::GetAndWritePropertyList (716): Failed to write asset property list for Inventory [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::WriteAsset (679): Could not get and write Inventory property list: [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::WriteAssets (650): Failed writing asset [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::OutputEverything::DoOutput (235): Writing Assets failed: [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::WriteProperty (598): Could not write property value [gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::WritePropertyList (550): Could not write property in Inventory [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::GetAndWritePropertyList (716): Failed to write asset property list for Inventory [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::WriteAsset (679): Could not get and write Inventory property list: [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::XmlUtils::WriteAssets (650): Failed writing asset [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error CONX Windows::Compat::Appraiser::OutputEverything::DoOutput (235): Writing Assets failed: [0xc00cee2b].[gle=0xc00cee2b] Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "id" attribute is mandatory. void __cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadSupportedComponent(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *) Error CSI 00000001 (F) 80220008 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_STATE_MANAGEMENT,Code=8] #64443# from CWcmScalarInstanceCore::GetCurrentValue(options = 393216 (0x00060000), status = [6]"(null)", value = { type: 40972 (0x0000a00c), bytes ( 12 (0x0000000c) ): 65006e002d00550053000000 }) [gle=0x80004005] Error CSI 00000002 (F) 80220008 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_STATE_MANAGEMENT,Code=8] #142487# from CWcmScalarInstanceCore::GetCurrentValue(options = 393216 (0x00060000), status = [6]"(null)", value = { type: 40972 (0x0000a00c), bytes ( 12 (0x0000000c) ): 65006e002d00550053000000 }) [gle=0x80004005] Error CSI 00000003 (F) 80220008 [Error,Facility=FACILITY_STATE_MANAGEMENT,Code=8] #238311# from CWcmScalarInstanceCore::GetCurrentValue(options = 393216 (0x00060000), status = [6]"(null)", value = { type: 40972 (0x0000a00c), bytes ( 12 (0x0000000c) ): 65006e002d00550053000000 }) [gle=0x80004005] Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: Component with display name: Plugin/{C939EC0F-2F56-4CE8-AF56-2336596A5FA7} already loaded __cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::CMXEMigrationXml(class Mig::CPlatform *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::XmlDocument *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *) Error CSetupAutomation::Resurrect: File not found: C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Panther\automation.dat[gle=0x00000002] Error SP CSetupPlatform::ResurrectAutomation: Failed to resurrect automation: 0x80070002[gle=0x00000002]
UPD1: There can be similar upgrade errors, which can be fixed using recommendations above:
Error SP CAddSafeOSBootEntry::ConfigureImageForRAMBoot: Failed to open {bootmgr}. Status = -1073741772[gle=0x000000b7] Error SP CAddSafeOSBootEntry::DoExecute: Failed to configure image for RAM boot. Status = -1073741772[gle=0x000000b7] Error SP Operation failed: Add safe OS boot entry. Error: 0xD0000034[gle=0x000000b7]
UPD2: The second way to fix the issue is to repair BCD using Microsoft Recovery Environment. Look here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392/en-us.
- attrib c:\boot\bcd -s -h -r
- ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
- bootrec /RebuildBCD